Reyna Beckler + imposter syndrome


Reyna Beckler runs a thriving yoga studio (also our first sponsor!!!) and has built a loyal customer base yet she has dealt with a phenomenon many of us encounter: imposter syndrome. According to a VeryWell mind article, it “is the psychological experience of feeling like a fake or a phony despite any genuine success that you have achieved. It can show up in the context of work, relationships, friendships, or just overall.”

Imposter syndrome can affect anyone. Reyna shares her life story to remind us that this mindset is holding us back from our dreams and deprives us from the self-confidence we deserve to feel. We have a feeling that our listeners will resonate with her path, as a child of Mexican immigrants, a survivor of domestic abuse, and a determined woman who carved her own career path in a male-dominated industry before taking the plunge into starting her own business.



This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help.

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